SVG image element

Flash uses lots of images; any reverse engineered flash effects will likewise use lots of images. Raster images are not scalable so SVG can not improve the quality of images over flash using raster images. None the less many of the animations that people need will use this tag.

      <image x="20" y="20" xlink:href="foobar.png" height="80" width="300" />

Because xlink is used which is defined in a different xml namespace standards require xlink to be named in the namespace xmlns:xlink="" for the svg document. A standards complaint browser will generate an error if it is not - some browsers do not comply with the standard on error messages.

   <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
   <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
   <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
      <image x="20" y="20" xlink:href="foobar.png" height="80" width="300" />

There is a lot that SVG can do with images. However, until there are real life examples of usage on this site that information will need to wait.